
What to do with old textile?

Discover tips on how you can give old textile a second chance. Together with the fashion revolutionary Kamila Boudová from the SLOU project, of which we have been a long-term partner, we will present several options for more sustainable handling of used clothing. You will also learn how we use old textile in our production at MERCHYOU.

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People of MERCHYOU: Mária

Take a closer look at the stories, opinions and valuable advice of the MERCHYOU team. Meet Mária, our traffic manager. In the interview, Mária reveals what brings her joy at work and what is important for our successful cooperation.

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We celebrate 13 years!

MERCHYOU celebrates its 13th birthday! Thank you all for your support so far! 💚 See how we've grown step by step and get a 13% discount on all GOTS certified textile!

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Take a closer look at the stories, opinions and valuable advice of the MERCHYOU team. Meet Robo, the head of our production, who takes care of the process of materialising each order exactly according to your ideas. In the interview, Robo reveals which printing technology he prefers the most, and brings invaluable production tips just for you!

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Results of a wastewater analysis

Maximum care and friendliness of our production towards the environment and human health is an important part of everyday operation and decision-making for us at MERCHYOU. One of the valuable resources that we strive to take care of responsibly is water, which passes through our production. See how the analysis of wastewater from our production turned out.

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Partners’ talk: ON THE BOAT

MERCHYOU Partners’ talk are interviews with our partners - long-term customers for whom we produce textile with printing or embroidery. We have prepared a series of interviews with fashion brands, e-shops and bands on various topics. Our first partner we talked to is the ON THE BOAT brand, which offers sustainable textile with the printing of unique messages. You will find out about the idea the brand stands for, how they like cooperation with MERCHYOU and much more.

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